Using Video to Connect Learners in the Online Course

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Bacon, Ceradwen
Lechner, Matt
Ybarra, Al
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One potential drawback to online learning is that geographically dispersed students can feel isolated, leading to negative emotions such as anxiety and frustration (Rovai, 2007; McInnerney & Roberts, 2004; Palloff & Pratt, 1999). However, faculty can create an environment of personal connection and support simply by using communication channels in which students can hear and see their instructor and fellow students. Research shows that incorporating video into the online classroom contributes to students' more positive feelings about the learning experience (Whipp & Lorentz, 2009). City University of Seattle's academic technology support staff encourages instructors to add multimedia to their online courses as a way of reaching their students more directly. The support staff recommends several specific methods, including recording lectures and allowing students to record their own presentations, creating short announcement videos, and hosting web conferencing sessions. This chapter will outline these practices – as well as look to future best practices – and present easy ways for instructors to use video in the online classroom to increase student engagement and success.
online student engagement , videos in online instruction , innovations in online instructional technology
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