Student wellness through responsible technology use

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Relova, Rafie (Ramon)
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Technology has many advantages, but research shows that excessive and unregulated use by youth can contribute to conditions such as increased anxiety, depression, decreased social skills, and addiction. This paper reviews literature on technology use amongst youth as well as technology addiction and its prevalence and how it can affect their lives. There is opportunity for stakeholders such as parents and educators among others, to support and educate youth to improve their overall personal wellness. Positive results have been observed when these groups are involved with them in regards to their technology use. Recent prevention strategies at home and schools as well as intervention programs within the professional community are discussed. The paper concludes with strategies for parents, teachers, and school counsellors that they can employ to assist youth when interacting with technology. Finally, suggestions for other possible areas of growth within the school district, public health, and community organizations are presented.
technology , gaming , smartphone , social media , addiction , wellness , youth , prevention , intervention , counsellors
Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 3.0 United States , openAccess