Adolescent Sexting
Adolescent Sexting
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Kaye, Melissa
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Adolescent sexting is a contemporary issue at the intersection of adolescent development, mental health, and digital behaviour, presenting unique challenges for parents, educators, and therapists. This capstone paper reviews existing literature to provide a comprehensive overview of adolescent sexting, with a focus on prevalence, demographic influences, and its implications on mental health. By examining factors such as gender dynamics, ethnicity, socioeconomic background, this review highlights the critical need for inclusive, tailored interventions that address the unique experiences of adolescents. This paper also explores the legal implications of adolescent sexting, noting that it is illegal for minors under 18 to share sexual content in Canada, even if consensual. As a result, parents face the dual challenge of addressing legal concerns while offering emotional support and guidance to their adolescents. Through a critical synthesis of research, this capstone identifies gaps in the literature and presents practical solutions for therapists and educators. Specifically, narrative therapy and psychoeducation are suggested as effective tools for helping adolescents process their experiences with sexting. Moreover, educators are encouraged to adopt comprehensive sex education programs that integrate discussions on consent, healthy relationships, and digital citizenship. The findings of this literature review are critical for designing a workshop for parents aimed at supporting adolescents in the digital age. By promoting open communication and understanding the complex dynamics at play, this paper provides actionable strategies for parents, educators, and therapists in navigating the challenges posed by adolescent sexting. Included in this capstone is a three-hour interactive training intended for parents that provides opportunities for self-reflection, psychoeducation, and tools and resources around sexting. An outline of the presentation is provided below, and the slides can be found in their entirety in Appendix A.
adolescents , parent-teen communication , romantic relationship , sexting
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