Promoting Resilience in Children and Adolescents Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences
Promoting Resilience in Children and Adolescents Impacted by Adverse Childhood Experiences
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Ajayi, Oluwatoni
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Evidence shows that early exposure to adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) results in lasting poor physical and mental health outcomes from childhood into adulthood. Resilience has been determined to help prevent or mitigate the adverse effects of ACEs. Children and adolescents need to have suitable systems at home, in school, in the community, and within the construct of society that promotes the development of resilience. This research project investigates how to foster resilience as an intervention during formative years in children and adolescents impacted by ACEs. This review of 10 recent studies shows several evidence-based therapeutic interventions and modalities for building resilience through the different levels of protective factors (individual, interpersonal (family), community, and policy), including CBT/TF-CBT, mindfulness interventions, EMDR, parent-child psychotherapy, and school-based psychotherapy. These findings benefit the study of ACEs as they provide clinical practitioners with evidence-based interventions that help minimize the negative impact and foster positive adaptation after exposure to ACEs.
adverse childhood experiences (ACEs) , resilience , children , adolescents , therapeutic interventions , therapeutic modalities
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